YSU not only helps you achieve your academic goals but also goes one step further to render free lifetime service of verifying your certificates/ degrees to prospected or future employers to prove that you have obtained your degrees /certifications from YSU. Schools, colleges and universities usually keep a record of their passed out students, but the onus of verifying certificates & degrees always lies on the students.
The relationship between the student and its educational institute goes a long way if its maintained by both. We do our bit by providing a number of post certification services; document verification being one. However, the students must feel the same way, consolidating the relationship to make it much stronger.
Our professional academic counselors are available and ready to assist any of our students throughout their term with us. YSU has helped thousands of its students in the last years to reach new academic levels of achievement. This type of service ensures each and every one of our students gets the proper recognition and support that they earned and deserve.
Feel free to phone or email us, we look forward to helping you achieve your goals!
So don’t wait, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain! Make a difference in your life today and enroll for any of the available online/off campus based research programs.
Write a mail to us: info@ysu.education